#Cardieとは何か?オープンソースの名刺デザイナーおよび共有プラットフォーム #八01


#Cardieとは何か?オープンソースの名刺デザイナーおよび共有プラットフォーム #八01

 自分に関するビジネス カードや情報カードを無制限にデザインし、それらにリンクや QR コードを共有して印刷し、他の人のカードを後で使用できるように仮想ウォレットに保存します。カードを作成すると、カードの訪問状況に関する分析データを取得したり、状況の変化に応じてカードを編集したり、カードにリンクしている人だけがカードを確認できるようにカードを非公開にしたりできます。




git clone https://github.com/nfoert/cardie

Then, navigate to that directory and create a new python virtual environment
cd cardie python3 -m venv .venv

Activate the virtual environment using the command for your system (Linux is used here) and install the required dependencies
source ./.venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, create a django superuser and make and migrate the models
cd cardie python manage.py createsuperuser python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate

Now just run the server using the following command, or run the Start server task in your Visual Studio Code
python manage.py runserver

Finally, navigate to and log in using your new administrator account. Create a new Server object and be sure to configure the ip to be

Additional steps for Production installation

This depends on what server hosting provider you're using. However, there's a couple environment variables you need to set and there's a run command.

Set the following global environment variables:

DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS -> ${APP_DOMAIN} (This works on DigitalOcean, this may not work on every hosting provider)

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE -> cardie.settings_production


STATIC_URL -> /static/main

SECRET_KEY -> <your new secret key> (Generate this using django.core.management.utils.get_random_secret_key(). If possible you should encrypt this value in your hosting provider.)

DEBUG -> False

DATABASE_URL -> ${db.DATABASE_URL} (This works on DigitalOcean, this may not work on every hosting provider)

To Do

There's lots of things that need implemented or changed in this project. Please see TODO.md.


I'd love to see contributions to this project! Please check out the issues page to see what things currently need fixed or added.

Additionally, check TODO.md for a rough todo list of things that need implemented, and the wiki for some information on how to work with some of the existing systems.



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